Categories: Legal News

A Class Action Lawsuit has been brought by an Ontario Landlord against the Ontario Government

By 0.9 min read

Read a copy of the Amended Statement of Claim HERE

The claim alleges the Ontario government, through its mis-regulation of the Landlord-tenant relationship, has effectively deprived the Plaintiff, Elsie Kalu, and potentially thousands of other Ontario Landlords, from all reasonable uses of their rented properties. Ms. Kalu asserts that this amounts to the de facto expropriation (“constructive taking”) of her lands by the Government – something a recent Supreme Court ruling describes as giving rise to a right to compensation.1

The proposed class must first be certified by the Court before the claim is permitted to proceed. Following certification, all individuals who are members of the class will be automatically included in the claim.

At this time, if you believe you are a member of the proposed class, you are not required to take any additional actions.

This page will be updated as the claim progresses. If you have a specific inquiry about a legal matter specific to you and separate from the above-noted class action lawsuit, please contact us at:

1. See Annapolis Group Inc. v. Halifax Regional Municipality 2022 SCC 36


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